Simonsen Architect’s residential work strives to consider placement on the land to optimize views, shelter outdoor spaces and the building from the weather and take advantage of special aspects of the property.
Boulder Avenue Townhouses
Sturm and Drake Building
Billings, MT
Bridger Mountains Cabin
Bobcat Residence
Peterson Quality Office
Livingston, MT
Town & Country Lewistown
Lewistown, MT
Stillwater Courthouse Stair Replacement
Bridger Orthopedic
Rock Creek Cabin
Brown Cabin
Warbonnet Residence
Rock Creek Garage Studio
Yellowstone Ice and Water
Billings, MT
Rock Creek Party Barn
South Stone Creek Trail Residence
Billings, Montana
Farm Bureau Insurance
Antler Ridge
Zimmerman Place Parade Home
Billings, MT
Babcock & Miles Wine Bar and Café
Red Lodge, MT
Builders Exchange Interior Remodel
Billings, MT
Toucan Arts Gifts Picture Framing
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